
attachments/200804/9134649956.jpg attachments/200804/5899773566.jpg


網路原出處為 http://origami.gr.jp/Model/Senbazuru/index.html

attachments/200804/4669688060.jpg attachments/200804/7316505368.jpg

評論: 2 | 引用: 0 | 閱讀: 11323


MySQL Query Error
Mysql error description: Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_2952_0.MYI' (Errcode: 17)
Mysql error number: 1
Date: 2024-11-22 00:49
Script: http://witch.froghome.tw/index.php
SQL code: select distinct a.*,b.id as member_id,b.nickname,b.isHiddenEmail,b.email as member_email,b.homePage as member_homepage from f2blog_comments as a left join f2blog_members as b on a.author=b.username where a.logId='329' and a.parent='0' order by postTime asc Limit 0,10